Manager Administration

A Renowned QSR Brand

#Admin Manager, # Facility # Administration

General Administration: –

·         Travel requirements, Accommodation like Hotels, Service Apartments, rental apartments

·         etc, Tickets, VISA, pantry services, cafeteria, transport and Passport.

·         Organizing events, conferences etc

Facility Management:-

·         Complete Supervision of Facility Management for all soft / essential services i.e. Air

·         Conditioning, Plumbing, Infrastructure Repairs, Security, Housekeeping / Pantry, Access

·         Control, UPS / Etc. Documentation and implementation of S.O.P for the admin functions.

·         identify value add to existing processes.

·         Premise Development and other Operations management

Expat Management

·         Purchase Management – handling all purchase activities related to Stationary/Foods etc .

·         Vendor Development & Management.

·         Security Management – Overseeing operations of CCTV, Access control and other

·         physical/electronic security.

·         Store Administration

·         MIS Reports

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